Ag and Natural Resources (ANR) Extension Educators and Program Coordinators in Northwest Ohio work cooperatively to produce a newsletter which is mailed to Ohio licensed private pesticide applicators. Contact your local Extension office if you would like to be added to that mailing list.
Link to Ohio Corn Performance Trials | Link to Ohio Soybean Performance Trials |
Here are the upcoming events!
Farm Business Management |
Ohio Farm Management Enterprise Budgets Budgets with Ohio statistics for corn, soybeans, wheat, alfalfa hay, alfalfa haylage, and corn silage. OSU Extension also has budgets for beef, dairy, sheep, and swine. All budgets are in MS Excel spreadsheets that you put your own numbers in to see how things pencil out for your operation. Visit |
Agronomy & Soil Health |
The Science of Soil Health is a new set of 16 short videos produced by The Ohio State University in cooperation with NRCS. The videos provide insight into how to improve soil health while benefiting the environment and lowering production costs. They can be found at |
Pesticide & Fertilizer Private Applicator Training in Northwest OhioNorthwest Ohio recertification trainings are being held through March 31; training fee varies by location, and Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training (FACT) hours vary by location & date - check the state pesticide education website for all training options.