See pages 8-12 of the 2015 Hancock County 4-H Judging Booklet for a detailed project judging schedule.
Judging is done by project. Some projects include divisions by last name or age (Jr = 13 or younger as of 1/1/15; Sr = 14 or older as of 1/1/15).
No firearms of any kind (bows, arrows, gun, etc.) should be brought to judging. Small animals - companion pets, should be brought in a pet carrier.
Bring completed project book & exhibit - refer to the 4-H Family Handbook for project requirements
Upon arrival, register and obtain scoresheet. (Do not register more than 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time)
Be seated in appropriate area and listen for Jr Leader to call you
County placings will be announced periodically throughout the day. If eligible, the 1st place awardee will be the Ohio State Fair delegate. 2nd place is 1st alternate, etc.