Free Workshops Offered on Developing Nutrient Management Plans
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Four workshops designed to teach Certified Crop Advisers how to help farmers develop nutrient management plans will be offered by agronomists with Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
The daylong Software for Development Nutrient Management Plans workshops were devised to assist CCAs in learning software to help them develop nutrient management plans for their clients that meet the criteria for the Natural Resources Conservation Service Environmental Quality Incentives Program (NRCS-EQIP), said Greg LaBarge, an Ohio State University Extension field specialist and one of the leaders of Ohio State’s Agronomic Crops Team. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the college.
Pre-registration is required by 7 days prior to workshop date (January 2, 2015) Limited to 12 participants. Lunch will be on your own. Workshop fee is covered by USEPA GLRI Grant Number 00E01145