Hancock S.T.E.M. Club Meeting

Repeats every month on the 2 of May 2 times.
Saturday, April 18, 2015 - 10:00am to 11:30am
Hancock County Agricultural Service Center, 7868 CR 140 Findlay OH 45840
Contact email:
Contact name:
Cassie Turner
Contact phone:

The 2015 Hancock County 4-H S.T.E.M. Club is intended for youth in grades 4-6.

Robotics will be the topic for the April and May sessions.

There are still openings available, this program is limited to 21 participants.

Sponsored by a grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation

Other sessions are May 2 and possibly summer meetings (to be decided).

Link to a promotional flyer



Sign up at OSU Extension Hancock County 419-422-3851