Ed has worked with OSU Extension since 1997 and has been an Educator in Hancock County since 2011. Below is his brief Curriculum Vita:
August 1990: Doctor of Philosophy Crop Production & Physiology, Iowa State University
August 1982: Master of Science Agronomy (Plant Breeding), University of Missouri
December 1980: Bachelor of Science Agriculture (Agronomy), University of Missouri
2018-Present: Professor, Dept. of Extension, OSU, Findlay, OH
2002-2017: Associate Professor, Dept. of Extension, OSU, Findlay and Tiffin, OH
1997-2002: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Extension, OSU, Findlay, OH
2008-2009: Senior Agronomist, Countrymark Cooperative, Indianapolis, IN
1990-1993: Regional Agronomist, Cargill Hybrid Seeds, Aurora, IL
1984-1989: Agronomy Instructor, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
1982-1984: Agronomy Instructor, Truman State University (formerly Northeast Missouri State Univ.), Kirksville, MO
2015: Ohio Small Grains Board, Profitable Wheat Production, $24.498 (Co-PI).
2015: Ohio Corn Marketing Program, Ohio Corn Fertilizer Recommendations, $281,980 (Co-PI).
2015: Ohio Wheat Marketing Program, Ohio Wheat Marketing Program, Ohio Wheat Fertilizer Recommendations, $128,124 (Co-PI)
2007: Great Lakes Protection Fund, Phosphorus Soil Test Metric for Reducing Dissolved Phosphorus, $947,000 (Co-PI)
2002: USDA Midwest Regional Canola Research Project (renewed for 10 years), Introducing Winter Canola to the Midwest, $$1,101,973 (Total Award) (Co-PI)
2019-Present: Regional Vice-Chair, Recognition & Awards Committee, National Association of County Agriculture Agents
2019-Present: Chairman, NCERA 103 Committee: Specialized Soil Amendments and Products, Growth Stimulants and Soil Fertility Management Programs
2019-Present: Chairman, Crop Science Society of America, Extension Education Award Committee
2019-Present: American Society of Agronomy Extension and Education Award Committee
2019-Present: Soil Science Society of America, Extension and Education Award Committee
2011-present: 1820 Extension radio programs
2011-present: 354 Extension newspaper columns
2017-present: Extension Education programs & teaching: 359 events (21,545 participants)
2017-present: Extension publications & national/international presentations: 51
1997-present: Abstracts and short entries: 60+
1997-present: Bulletins/tech reports/fact sheets: 110
1997-present: Chapter in a book: 1
1997-present: National Conferences: 21
1984-1989: Agronomy Instructor, responsible for laboratories of Agronomy Plant Science, Grain and Forage Management and 10 teaching assistants; Assistant Coach Crop Judging Team. Iowa State Univ. Ames
1982-1984: Instructor, Plant Science, Soil Science, Forages, Weed Science, Soil Fertility, Plant Diseases. Northeast Missouri State Univ. (now Truman State Univ.), Kirksville, MO
1982-1984: Undergraduate Student Advisor: 50 agriculture students, co-advisor: undergraduate Agriculture Club, Northeast Missouri State University (now Truman State Univ.), Kirksville, MO
1980-Present: American Society of America (ASA)
1987-Present: Crop Science Society of America (CSSA)
1997-Present: National Association of County Agriculture Agents (NACAA)
2007-Present: Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
2013-Present: Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP)
1994-Present: Certified Crop Adviser
2019 & 2020: National Finalist, Communication Award – Bound Book, NACAA
2017 & 2019 National Finalist, Agriculture Awareness and Appreciation Award, NACAA
2015 & 2017: National Finalist, Communication Award – Audio Recording, NACAA
2014: National Winner, Applied Research Poster Competition, NACAA
2014: National Finalist, Communications Award – Personal Column, NACAA
- Griffith*, M., Lentz, E., Rose, M., Schoenhals, J., Douridas, A. (2017). Impact of Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training (FACT) on Producer Perceptions and Practices in Ohio. Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents (online), ISSN 2158-9420
- Lindsey*, L.E., Lentz, E.M., Baik, B.K. (2016). Row Width Influences Wheat Yield, But Has Little Effect on Wheat Quality. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. Vol. 2, no. 1-3: online.
- Lentz*, E.M., Detrick, K.A., Dygart, C.E., Henry, D.C., Mullen, R.W. (2010). Soil pH and Corn Grain Yield Response to Low Rates of Pelletized Lime and Typical Aglime. Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents. Vol. 3, no. 1: online
- Mullen*, R.W., Thomison, P.R., Lentz, E.M., LaBarge, G.A., Watters, H. (2007). Delivering Timely Extension Information with the Agronomics Crops Team in Ohio. Journal of Extension. Vol. 45, no. 4: digital.
- Thomison*, P. R., Geyer, A.B., Bishop, B.L., Young, J.R., Lentz, E.M. (2004). Nitrogen Fertility Effects on Grain Yield, Protein, and Oil of Corn Hybrids with Enhanced Grain Quality Traits. Crop Management. Vol. 3, online.
- Buxton*, D.R., Lentz, E.M. (1993). Performance of Morphological Diverse Orchardgrass Clones in Space and Sward Plantings. Grass and Forage Science. Vol. 48, 336-34
- Lentz*, E. M., Buxton, D.R. (1992). Digestion Kinetics of Orchardgrass as Influenced by Leaf Morphology, Fineness of Grind, and Maturity Group. Crop Science. Vol. 32, no. 2: 482-486.
- Lentz*, E. M., Buxton, D.R. (1991). Morphological Traits and Maturity Group-Relations with Digestibility of Orchardgrass". Crop Science. Vol. 31, no. 6: 1555-1560.
- Lentz*, E.M., Crane, C.F., Sleper, D.A., Loegering, W.Q. (1983). An Assessment of Preferential Chromosome Pairing at Meiosis in Dactylis glomerata. Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology. Vol. 25, no. 3: 222-232.
*corresponding author