Join one of the many 4-H clubs in Hancock County!
If you have a child 8 years old and in the 3rd grade who is interested in joining a 4-H club, here is a listing of Hancock County clubs and the name of their organizational advisor. Call the 4-H office at 419-422-3851 for the advisor's contact information. The * indicates clubs that offer a Cloverbud Program.
County-wide Leadership Resource of Hancock County 4-H's Shooting Sports Program - Tish Sampson (this is a "satalite club" and participants must be members in one of the clubs listed below).
County-wide clubs
- Calf Club - Levi Beagle; market beef projects must be in posession by January 1 each year.
- Cloverbuds* (Exclusively for children age 5-8) - Beth Marshall
- Freedom Reins - Burce Depinet; primary focus is horse projects but all project areas welcomed
- Gentle Giants* - Mandi Ball; primary focus is draft horse projects
- Good Ride - Nathan Knicely; primary focus is horse projects
- Hancock Hareraisers - Bev Welty
- His Kids* - Rose Ann Campbell
- Horsemasters - Diane Harmon; primary focus is horse projects
- Lucky Horseshoes - Meg Powell; primary focus is horse projects but all project areas welcomed
- Paws Fur Fun - Julie Cramer; primary focus is dog training
- Raise the Bar - Julie Taft-Rider; primary focus is dog agility training
- Science Explorers - Martha Boyd; primary focus is Science, Technology, Engineering & Math projects
- The Baking Critters* - Natalie Jenkins; primary focus is Cake Decorating
Arcadia Area
- Biglick Buckeyes* - Terri Price
- Lakeland Leaders - Linda James
Arlington Area
- Country Bumpkins* - Linda Smith
- Eagle Creek* - Mary Ellen Gray
- Jolly Jacksons* - Trisha Boutwell
- Rock-N-Roll* - Emily Clark
- SoHanCo Livestockers* - Jacki Johnson - Livestock projects are primary emphasis but all project areas welcomed
Cory Rawson Area
- All Around Champions - Sierra Inbody
- Blue Ribbon Stock - Nicki vonStein
- Buttons & Bows* - Beth White
- Country Critters - Monica vonStein
- Gold Star - Jill Woodward
Findlay Area
Liberty Benton Area
- Dirt Don't Hurt* - Kim Welch
- Lucky Star* - Missy Groves
- Pride of Pleasant* - April Smith
McComb Area
- Clever Clovers* - Heather Welty
- Northwest Stars* - Joann Rider
Riverdale Area
- Magic Makers - Kay Livingston
Van Buren Area
- Jolly Shepherds - Wendi Morey
- Millstream Farmers* - Kathy McGrain
- Rocky Ford Guys & Gals* - Marcia Roy
Vanlue Area
- Circle V Riders - Sherry Brooks; members of this club focus only on livestock projects.