Animal specific resources & opportunities for members; quality assurance & judging information


2025 Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Training (QA) is required by the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) for all livestock producers. This includes youth livestock exhibitors. Hancock County Ag Society requires all youth members exhibiting livestock at the Hancock County Fair to complete QA by July 10 prior to your show, to meet ODA’s requirements. If you are exhibiting at the Ohio State Fair, please be aware, you must complete QA 45 days prior to exhibit. 

  • Youth, age 15 as of January 1, may choose the Quality Assurance test out option. Passing this test, given each February, with at least a 70% will excuse you from QA training for the duration of your 4-H career. If you do not pass this test, you must wait until the following February to retest.
  • Youth, age 12 as of January 1, who are officially enrolled in 4-H and/or FFA livestock/food animal projects and who intend to show their project animal at exhibition (e.g., county or state fair) have the option to complete an online Youth for the Quality Care for Animals (YQCA) session. YQCA is in partnership with The Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development program and ODA. For the training to meet the Ohio Youth Food Animal QA requirement for the project year:
    • Youth MUST be 12 years or older as of January 1, of the current year (4-H age). 
    • The online module MUST be completed for the correct 4-H age for the youth. If not, you are required to repay and retake the correct module or attend QA in person.
    • The online module must be completed by July 10 prior to first show for Hancock County Fair or 45 days before Ohio State Fair show.
    • You must complete the annual online session within the QA calendar year (Oct. 1- Sept. 30).

The other online courses do NOT meet the Ohio Youth Food Animal QA certification requirements (ie. BQA, PQA, BEST, etc.)

  • Youth can go to the following website to take the age-appropriate on-line module for $12. Paid by the individual or family
  • Youth will need their login and password. This is your family email and password you use to enroll in 4-H.
  • Send a copy of your certificate to and 
  • The test out option is not available for Hancock County. Youth 15 years old are encouraged to test out at the Extension Office during the month of February.