July 8, 2021 - Judging Day 1
Hancock County Fairgrounds, 1017 E. Sandusky Street, Findlay
- Judging is done by project area, call 419-422-3851 if your project is not listed. Some projects may include a division by last name or age (Jr = 13 or younger as of 1/1/21 or Sr = 14 or older as of 1/1/21.)
- NO firearms of any kind (bows, arrows, gun, etc.) should be brought to judging.
- Bring completed project book & exhibit. (Refer to the 4-H Family Handbook for project requirements)
- Per state fair standards, do not bring your animals.
- Upon arrival, register & obtain scoresheet (Do not register more than 30 minutes prior to scheduled time.)
- Be seated in appropriate area & listen for Junior Leader to call you.
- County placings will be posted online the following day.
- *Project judging time closes 15 minutes after the last scheduled time to be considered for placing.
Judging Day 1
- Cat 3 (ages 8-18)
- How Does Your Garden Grow?
- Keeping Fit
- Measuring Up, Junior (A-G)
- Outdoor Adventurer: Intermediate Fishing
- Rockets Away (Solid-Fuel)
- SS - Rifle, Junior (A-B)
- The Truth about Tobacco
- Cat 1
- First Aid in Action
- Grow Your Own Vegetables (A-F)
- Insect Adventures 1
- Measuring Up, Junior (H-Z)
- Measuring Up, Senior
- Rockets Away (Bottle Rockets)
- SS - Rifle, Junior (C-J)
- Your Thoughts Matter, Junior
- Beekeeping
- Cat 2
- Grow Your Own Vegetables (G-M)
- Making the Cut, Junior (A-F)
- Pet Goat - Companion
- Science Fun with Dairy Foods
- Science Fun with Flight
- Solid Fuel Rocketry Master
- SS - Rifle, Junior (K-Sa)
- Your Thoughts Matter, Senior
- You're the Athlete, Junior
- 4-H Around the Globe
- Grow Your Own Vegetables (N-R)
- Making the Cut, Junior (G-Z)
- Outdoor Adventurer: Beginning Fishing (A-Ge)
- Robotics Master
- Science Fun with Kitchen Chemistry
- Self Determined: Chinchillas
- Self Determined: Ferrets
- Self Determined: Hedgehogs
- Self Determined: Pigeons
- Self-Determined – Companion Animal
- SS - Rifle, Junior (Sc-Sm)
- SS - Shotgun, Junior
- You're the Athlete, Senior (A-M)
- Canning and Freezing
- Grow Your Own Vegetables (S-Z)
- Growing with the Seasons
- Making the Cut, Senior
- Outdoor Adventurer: Beginning Fishing (Gi-H)
- Pocket Pets
- Robotics 1 with EV3
- Robotics 2 with EV3N More
- Science Fun with Physics
- SS - Rifle, Junior (Sn-Z)
- You're the Athlete, Senior (N-Z)
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse
- All Systems Go
- Cavies
- Exploring Polar Science
- From Airedales to Zebras
- Insect Adventures 2
- Insect Adventures 3
- Nailing it Together, Junior
- On the Cutting Edge
- Outdoor Adventurer: Beginning Fishing (I-Z)
- Tracking Your Health and Fitness
- You and Your Dog (ages 11-13)
- Young Engineers in Solar Energy
- Edible Landscapes
- Explore the Outdoors (A-M)
- Finishing Up
- Horseless Horse
- Medicine Science and Safety
- Nailing it Together, Senior
- SS - Archery, Junior
- SS – Hunting
- Staying Healthy
- Woodworking Master
- You and Your Dog (ages 8-10) (A-I)
- All About Dogs Interviews
- Explore the Outdoors (N-Z)
- Family History Treasure Hunt, year 1
- Family History Treasure Hunt, year 2 & more
- Safe use of Guns (A-B)
- Science Fun with Electricity
- SS - Rifle, Senior (A-M)
- SS- Pistol, Junior
- Welding
- You and Your Dog (ages 8-10) (J-Z)
- Bicycling for Fun, Level 1
- Exploring Ponds
- Investigating Electricity
- Magic of Electricity
- Safe use of Guns (C-J)
- Self Determined: Amateur Radio
- Self Determined: American Sign Language, Junior
- Self Determined: Clowning
- Self Determined: Computers
- Self Determined: Local Foods
- Self Determined: Model Railroading
- Self Determined: Music
- Self Determined: Skateboarding
- Self Determined: Viruses, Bacteria, and Fungi, Oh My!
- Self-Determined – General, Junior
- SS - Living History
- SS - Rifle, Senior (N-Z)
- The Laundry Project (A-K)
- Tune it Up
- Warm it Up
- Wheels in Motion, Level 2
- Why Trees Matter
- You and Your Dog (ages 14-18)
- Crank it Up
- Entering Electronics
- Geology: Can You Dig It?
- Not Just Knots
- Pet Rabbits (ages 14-18)
- Reptiles & Amphibians (ages 8-18)
- Safe use of Guns (K-Z)
- Self Determined: American Sign Language, Senior
- Self Determined: Discovering Genetics, Senior
- Self-Determined – General, Senior
- SS - Archery, Senior
- The Laundry Project (L-Z)
- Wired for Power
- ATV Safety
- Basic Archery (A-J)
- Becoming Money Wise, Level 1
- Ohio Birds
- Pet Rabbits (ages 8-10)
- Self Determined: Astronomy
- Self Determined: Climate Change
- Self Determined: Field to Faucet
- Self Determined: Get Started with Composting
- Self Determined: Native American Artifacts: Arrowheads
- Self Determined: Shale Gas Extraction
- Self Determined: Weather
- Self-Determined – Natural Resources
- SS - Shotgun, Senior
- Tractor 1: Starting Up
- Tractor 3: Moving Out
- Trapping Muskrats in Ohio
- Basic Archery (K-Z)
- Discovering 4-H
- Pet Rabbits (ages 11-13)
- Self Determined: Bats
- Self Determined: Crop Production
- Self Determined: Flower Gardening
- Self Determined: Miniature Gardens - live plants
- Self Determined: Paddle Water Sports
- Self Determined: Ways of Knowing Water
- Self-Determined – Natural Resources
- SS- Pistol, Senior
- Teens on the Road to Fin Success
- Tractor 2: Tractor Operations
- Tractor 4: Learning More