Interested in becoming a 4-H Volunteer? Applications due January 31, 2025

This is a great time to begin the process if you are interested in becoming a volunteer. Please contact us at 419-422-3851. 

Each year, more than 25,000 adult and teen volunteers contribute their time, energies, and talents to enable Ohio 4-H to reach nearly 300,000 youth.

All individuals who are interested in volunteering with The Ohio State University and working with members of a "vulnerable population" (minors, elderly over age 65, or individuals with disabilities) MUST complete a selection process under the direction of an Extension professional.

Potential volunteers will:

  • Receive a position description - link to cover letter
  • Receive and Complete an application by stopping by our office at 7868 County Road 140 Suite B, Findlay
  • Have references collected by Extension professionals (named on application form)
  • Complete an interview
  • Submit to a criminal history fingerprint record check - Contact the Extension Office for your Fingerprint "How-to" page
  • Agree to, and sign the "Volunteer Standards of Behavior Form" found in Volunteer Application Form
  • Participate in an orientation/training program

Advisor Resources

Opportunities for Adult 4-H Volunteers
4-H groups have Community Club Advisors & Project Advisors
Short term volunteers help with county or statewide 4-H events such as school enrichment programs, livestock judging, project workshops, Ohio State Fair activities etc.
Become a Cloverbud Advisor, become a Master Clothing Educator

Participate on a county committee:

  • Goat, Horse, or Rabbit Council - support Jr Fair goat, horse, & rabbit programs
  • 4-H Advisory Council - supports & directs Hancock 4-H program, elected annually during 4-H Volunteer Recognition Banquet
Recognition for Volunteers
Outstanding Service to 4-H Alumni Award
Outstanding Service to 4-H Non-Alumni Award
Hancock Co. 4-H Volunteer Hall of Fame Award